This site is not designed to sell, or distribute paper items, such as paper towels, toilet tissue, nor kleenex. The pictured items above are used to symbolize our much needed effort to help ' wipe away '  hunger & homelessness, and other much needed essentials for the poor and less fortunate in our nation and world. God declares a blessing to those that considers the poor in their time of need and suffering Psalm 41:1-3.
The Wipe Away Ministry
The  Lord  promises  blessings  to  those   that  considers ( a  heart  to  help )  the  poor  in  Psalm  41: 1-3.  He  declares  deliverance  from  trouble,  he  promises  preservation  by  keeping  you  alive,  to  bless  you  while  you're  on  earth,  your  enemies  will  not  overtake  you,  he promises  physical  strength  on  your  bed  of  languishing ( keep  you  from  being  feeble ),  and  heal  you  during  your  sickness.  That's  an  awesome  description  of  favor.  He'll  manifest  all  of  that  because  of  your  consideration  for  the  less  fortunate.   

                                            The  Wipe  Away  Ministry  is in  dier  need  of  your  support.

You  can  do  so  with  any  heart  driven  amount  in  the  form  of  check, or  money  order,  payable  to :

The Wipe Away Ministry
P.  O.  Box  1330
Silsbee,  Texas  77656 

or by cash app : $74dorcy

Contact us :   409 385-3429  /   409 351-1086

We  are a non-profiting ministry that's  committed  to  helping  the  less-fortunate, both local and globaly.  

A few of the organizations that we have supported :

The Christian Jew Foundation  ( Feeding hungry Jews )

Some Other Place  (  Local  kitchen of Southeast Tx. feeding the hungry & homeless  )

World Vision - (  Hunger relief in Africa  )

Sent Handz  (  Local  ministry  in support  of  the homeless  )

South East Texas Food Bank  (  Local  food distributor for  the  less  fortunate  )

Action Against Hunger  (   World  hunger )

Covenant House  -  A Safe Place To Sleep  (  Homeless teens  )

Jews In Gaza    ( Feeding the hungry & homeless )

Feeding Israel   ( The hungry )
         Did you know that during his earthly ministry,  the Lord Jesus fed more people than he gave sight to ? He fed more than he cleansed from leprosy. He fed more than making the lame walk.  He fed more than he raised from dead.  He fed more than he delivered from demons. He fed more than he healed.  He fed more than he opened deaf ears.  With seven loaves and a few fish, he feeds 4,000 plus. ( Matt. 15:32-39,  Mark 8:1-9 ).  With two fish and five loaves, he feeds 5,000 plus. ( John 6:1-15,  Mark 6:30-44,  Matt. 14:13-21 ). If you do the math, that's over 9,000.  
          He knew that food was a vital necessity towards salvation. He knew that people have to be alive to get saved,  and food is the # 1 resource to keep a human alive. 
Proverbs  19 : 17

He that hath pity upon the poor
lendeth unto the Lord;
and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

loves Israel ! 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem :
They shall prosper that love thee.
 Psalm 122:6  
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee; and in thee shall all  families of the earth
be blessed ! 
Genesis 12:3